Discover the Most Effective Methods for Restoring Joint Function
What do joints do?
Joints support your body. They help you sit, stand and move.
Some joints provide structural support. Others let you move. Depending on how much a joint moves, it fits into one of three categories:
Synarthroses: Joints that don’t move at all. These joints provide structural support.
Amphiarthroses: Joints with limited movement that give you a mix of stability and some motion.
Diarthroses: These are joints you can move freely in most directions. These joints allow the most movement.
What are joints made of?
Your joints are made of bones and the connective tissues that hold them together, including:
Healthcare providers classify joints into three categories depending on how much connective tissue they contain:
Fibrous joints.
Cartilaginous joints.
Synovial joints.